There lived a deer in a dense forest. One day he reached a pond to drink water. That day the water of the pond was very clear. That is why the deer could clearly see its reflection in the pond.

Meanwhile, he saw his crooked horns reflected in the water of the pond, which looked very beautiful.
Now he was very happy in his mind seeing his horns. But suddenly when he looked at his thin and long legs, he felt very bad. She thought that these thin legs were spoiling the beauty of my entire body. If only it were not there then how beautiful I would have been.

While he was still thinking this, he saw a lion coming from the front. Seeing death coming from the front, he ran away. And with the help of those thin legs, he went very far. But the lion also kept chasing him.

When he was running to save his life. Then his horns got stuck diagonally in a bush. He tried hard but could not take out his horns from the bush.

Within a short time, the lion chased him and came very close to him. But with his continuous efforts, he managed to escape by removing his crooked horns from the bush. And he went far away from the lion. Somehow his life was saved that day.
By now he had understood that it was only because of these ugly looking legs that he survived today. And his pride was shattered.

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